Monday, February 15, 2010

District 9

“District 9” is nominated for Best Picture by Oscar…and the question I keep asking is, “Oscar, is this a joke?”

“District 9” is a sci-fi film that runs 112 minutes. After 50 minutes I was tired of the back and forth between news clips and the storyline of violence. Granted, I’m not a sci-fi kind of gal, and the only reason I even attempted to watch “District 9” is because it got a nod from Oscar. Since I’m a movie reviewer that PAYS to watch movies and not one that GETS PAID to watch movies, I decided enough was enough. I turned off this rental early and thanked God that writing reviews is a hobby and I wasn’t required to endure the last 62 minutes!

The film is rated “R” for bloody violence and pervasive language, which both contributed to my decision to not finish the movie. “District 9” is a critically acclaimed film and several critics discuss symbolism of racism and prejudice in the film. I can see where someone could make this connection. However, my tolerance for gore, constant use of the “F-Bomb”, choppy scenes and distracting aliens is pretty low. “District 9” manages to combine all four and leads me to recommend you SKIP PAST it.

Rating for "District 9" = * SKIP PAST

This Movie R.A.N.’s Rating System:
*****RACE To This Movie = Amazing/Oscar Worthy
****RUN To This Movie = Great
***JOG To This Movie = Good
**WALK To This Movie = So-So
*SKIP PAST This Movie = Bad


  1. Good for you... in shutting it off. It obviously was not beneficial for a 12 yr old or even a ___ yr old ;)

  2. My son was in bed when I attempted to watch "District 9". No rated "R" films for him!

  3. Oh and my age is 29 and holding! :)
