So, it was with great expectations I went to go see Damon in The Informant! Based on the true story of Mark Whitacre (Damon), a corporate whistleblower, who turns out to be a compulsive liar. Surprisingly, Steven Soderbergh (Ocean’s 11, 12 and 13) decided to make this film a comedy. Something about this didn't resonate for me. Now, if you’ve seen the movie or read a review, you may be thinking, “Come on, Rachele, it’s a satire. You just didn’t get it.” And, you’d be right. I just didn’t get the humor of a habitual liar, who ultimately served 8 years in prison and tried to commit suicide two times. Realizing this is a story based on a real person, who apparently had a real mental illness, didn’t transfer to any kind of funny or comedy for me.
The one lesson reinforced by Whitacre and The Informant! is "Honesty is the best policy." Since most of us learned that from our parents you can save your money and SKIP PAST this “liar, liar pants on fire” movie.
R.A.N.’s Rating For The Informant! = * Skip Past This Movie
R.A.N.’s Rating System:
*****RACE To This Movie = Amazing/Oscar Worthy
****RUN To This Movie = Great
***JOG To This Movie = Good
**WALK To This Movie = So-So
*SKIP Past This Movie = Bad