Variable #1-Julie, played by Amy Adams, decides to share her passion for cooking through a blog. I know someone that recently started a blog…oh, right, that someone would be ME!!
Variable #2-Julia Child, played to perfection by Meryl Streep, writes a book about cooking. I know someone that recently started writing a book...oh, right, that someone would be ME!!
Variable #3- Both Julie and Julia’s husbands were their biggest fans. I got choked up during a scene when Julia’s book had been declined, yet again and Paul, her husband, is so loving, supportive and believes in her 100%. Was his name Paul or Jerry? Hummmm...I know someone married to a supportive husband named Jerry.....Oh, right that someone would be ME! (Jerry is my husband of 20 years and MY biggest fan!)
The above variables are in favor of the movie Julie & Julia. Working against it is the fact I have NO passion for cooking. I’m so thankful for Marie and A.J. They make my life much easier. In case you haven’t met them yet, Marie's full name is Marie Calendar, a local restaurant that supplies my annual Thanksgiving & Christmas dinners. A.J.'s is our local grocery store that has delicious pre-cooked meals and is responsible for most of our family dinners. Even though it may appear this is a movie about cooking, it's really a movie about finding your passion and sharing it with others.
The rating of PG-13 is appropriate for brief strong language and some sensuality.
So, drum roll’s official, we have our 1st RACE To This Movie recommendation and I predict Meryl Streep will be hearing from Oscar for this role. With that said, stop now, check your local listing movie times for Julie & Julia and RACE To This Movie! BON A PETITE!
R.A.N.’s Rating For Julie & Julia = ***** RACE To This Movie
R.A.N.’s Rating System:
*****RACE To This Movie = Amazing/Oscar Worthy
****RUN To This Movie = Great
***JOG To This Movie = Good
**WALK To This Movie = So-So
*SKIP Past This Movie = Bad